About me

I have been passionate photographer from an early age.
I used to have various analog and digital cameras. My first DSLR - Pentax K200 I bought in 2009 and that brought my photography to level up. Over the following years, I dealt with documentary, events, landscape, portrait and commercial photography.
In addition to traditional photos, I also took 360 spherical panoramas, interactive 360 ​​objects and 3D stereoscopic photos - anaglyphs.
One of my favorite photographic techniques is pinhole photography, in which I used over 10 handmade cameras that recorded images directly on photographic paper. One of my pinhole picture was printed in the album
"The f/D Book of Pinhole. A global survey of pinhole photography" :)
The photo you can see on the left was taken with a handmade camera consisting of an old lens and photo paper.